Sometimes, it’s just safer and easier to avoid carrying much cash. You don’t want it to be lost or stolen, and you don’t want it burning a hole in your pocket. That’s when you can benefit from a debit card.
At St. Louis Community, we offer a Mastercard® Debit Card with the added security of chip technology that’s conveniently linked to your checking account. It looks like a credit card, acts like a check, and spends like cash. Because it carries the Mastercard logo, you can use it on purchases at millions of locations around the world. Plus your check card is an interest-free alternative to using a credit card, and it’s faster than writing a check.
For added versatility and convenience, your Mastercard Debit Card also functions as an ATM card. You have 24-hour access to cash, and the ability to make free deposits, withdrawals, balance inquiries and transfer funds at nearly 30,000 CO-OP ATMs worldwide. Please see ATM Service for more details.
Apple Pay and Samsung Pay are also available. Sign up and learn more!