Your Money Is Safe

Recent headlines surrounding bank failures may have you second-guessing your own financial security. You can rest easy knowing that St. Louis Community Credit Union remains secure and safe.
Your Credit Union account is a safe place to keep your money. Your deposits are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. We’re proud to offer additional insurance for your deposits as part of our giveback to our members. No matter the reason, your hard-earned money is safe from loss.
NCUA Insurance. As a credit union, we are federally regulated by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an independent agency of the United States government. The funds on deposit in your St. Louis Community savings accounts are specifically insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), an arm of NCUA.
All deposits at St. Louis Community Credit Union are federally insured to $250,000. Similar to the deposit insurance provided by banks, your savings, checking, money market and CD accounts are safe from loss regardless of the cause. Plus, IRA funds are separately insured to $250,000.
Excess Share Insurance (ESI). In addition to our federally regulated deposit insurance through the National Credit Union Administration, St. Louis Community is proud to offer an additional $250,000 of private deposit insurance through Excess Share Insurance (ESI). This additional protection isn’t available at every credit union, but we’re proud to provide it to you at no cost as part of our giveback to our members.
Your peace of mind is top of mind for us.
It’s your money, and you’ve worked hard to earn it. And as long as it’s on deposit at St. Louis Community, it’s well protected. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the soundness of your credit union, please contact a Solutions Center Representative at 314-534-7610.